by Megan Woodland | Tips of the Trade
The Top Machining Youtube Channels For many machinists, YouTube can serve as a tool for not only entertainment but also education. Many YouTubers are providing content that is full of information and how-to’s as well as funny anecdotes. This list compiles our...
by Megan Woodland | Tips of the Trade
What can Axis do? It’s not easy to sum up all of which that Axis’ highly skilled team is capable. Our shop is divided into three main departments, sheet metal, machining, and welding. Each department can be further broken down into the operations they perform. Here is...
by Megan Woodland | Tips of the Trade
How are parts priced? If you’ve ever used Axis Fabrication, or any machine shop, to make your custom part, you may have wondered how we determined the price. Customers receive quotes that express the cost per part and the total cost. As explained in our article Why is...
by Megan Woodland | Tips of the Trade
Who is James Lewis? James Lewis graduated with a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Tennessee in the early 90s. His shop experience enables him to handle the day-to-day operations as well as plan for Axis’ future. He has been with the company for...
by Megan Woodland | Tips of the Trade
Check Out Our Sheet Metal Fabrication Services Axis’ expertise in sheet metal and machining often converges in the welding and fabrication processes in order to create the final product. Learn More Contact Us Sheet Metal Fabricators We understand our capabilities and...